SLAPCA Statement on the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA)

Regarding the Second Amendment Preservation Act, the St. Louis Area Police Chiefs’ Association in cooperation with the Missouri Police Chiefs’ Association, is seeking clarification from the courts regarding the implications of the law relating to law enforcement.  Our organization is NOT seeking to overturn the law or change the law at this time, we are merely seeking clarification.  We have filed an Amicus Brief requesting this clarification from the courts and are not affiliated with the other suits filed by the Department of Justice, St. Louis, St. Louis County or Kansas City.  Our organization will continue to protect our communities and the constitution, to include the second amendment, as we’ve promised to do within the oath that we’ve taken. The Amicus Brief and Affidavits can be found below.

SLAPCA Statement on the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA)