Who We Are and What We Do
The St. Louis Area Police Chiefs Association (SLAPCA) serves the Greater St. Louis community through a consortium of chief executive police leadership and partners that contribute to and support the law enforcement mission. SLAPCA improves police professionalism, advances the science pertaining to the prevention and detection of crime and the apprehension of criminals, assists in furthering the interest of law enforcement to meet changing community needs; encourages good fellowship and understanding in the highest degree between law enforcement professionals; and upholds the honor of law enforcement through the promotion of professional standards.
Dynamic changes in the policing environment evolve rapidly as a result of instant access to digital-based information, heightened community awareness, and increased public interest and input on the rendering of law enforcement services. SLAPCA unifies the chief law enforcement executive body and establishes the standards of core law enforcement services that is delivered to the Greater St. Louis community through its membership. SLAPCA is the police leadership association in the Greater St. Louis community, is representative of the interests of all police departments in Greater St. Louis, and it reflects primary attention and support, as appropriate, to those law-enforcement services that are area-wide in nature and effect.